Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rabbit Hole

Earlier this evening I scrolled through, or as I like to refer to it FauxNews. I like their site for the same reason I like horror movies, that skin-crawling feeling can be addictive, and I enjoy the challenge to my own political views. My affinity for train wrecks aside, a few of the headlines were running through my head as I went to change into my comfy pants. Suddenly I had a revelation. Is it odd that that happens a lot when I have no pants on? Anyway, follow me down this rabbit hole.

The big scary President Obama speech has come and gone, it turned out to be much ado about nothing. But just for fun let's pretend that it happened very differently. What if the President came out and gave the most liberal speech ever heard. Let's say the entirety of the speech was socialist indoctrination. Focusing on the speech and not the actual implementation of these political viewpoints, why all the fear? Do the parents that were opposed believe that their own teachings can be undone in a single speech. Are radical leftist ideas so catchy that conservative parents would not be able to bring their children back to the fold. Is there a fear that they would not be able to support their own beliefs well enough to relay them to their children.

Isn't isolation from differing viewpoints a cult indoctrination technique? Using indoctrination to avoid indoctrination. How do you know when you succeed?

“The opposition is indispensable. A good statesman, like any other sensible human being, always learns more from his opponents than from his fervent supporters.”
Walter Lippmann

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